Join Padakshep

Be a donor member of Padakshep

Anyone can donate to Padakshep provided his/her ideologies are not detrimental to Padakshep’s missions. As Padakshep is a public charity, we encourage the general public to donate to Padakshep as much as they can. Setting up monthly donation is a great way to have a continued relationship with Padakshep and remain involved in the betterment of the society. Donating to Padakshep is easy and you can know more by clicking on the link below.

Volunteer for Padakshep

Volunteering for Padakshep is a great opportunity for you not only to discover yourself but to engage yourself in a job which is important for your society. You may be wondering how to start and where to start.

Steps to follow

Please fill out the form below and we will take you through a short training process.